
A Reading Journey To Remember

Reading is not a privilege granted to the few; it is a necessity for everyone.

Social equality, especially with regards to literacy, is massively behind where it should be. More than 287 million people in our country live today without ever being able to realize the magic of serif strokes on fading paper. And this enormous number is not going to shrink unless real measures are taken by society - and the first step starts with you.

No Barrier

Countless children are either unable to caress the luring pages of a storybook or understand how much awaits them inside these pages. A lack of financial stability in a household should by no means restrict a child’s ability to simply pick up a book and read.

A Book For Everyone

We want to share our love of reading with underprivileged children. We want to not only bring them to books, but also show them how much they can get out of reading. We don’t simply want to give these children books; we want to change their perception of reading and get them addicted to the habit of reading.

  • Step 1

    The Book Drive

    The first step is organizing a simple book drive. We organise these drives in both Bangalore and Hyderabad to collect books and donations in larger, more privileged communities.

  • Step 2.1

    The Readathon For All

    With the books we collect, we will host an event we like to call a ‘readathon’ in two large communities in two different cities. The way we have imagined this to work is that we invite children and young adults to take two to three hours out of their day to sit down with a book and simply read.

  • Step 2.2

    The Readathon For The Underpriveleged

    Other reading sessions will also be hosted in orphanages, villages, and other locations where underprivileged children are unable to read books for leisure. After hosting these sessions, we will donate the books to the same children.

  • Step 3

    The Fest!

    After hosting at least two readathons in each city, hope to have gathered enough supporters of our cause to hold a full-fledged event in each community which will include activities, guest speakers, books, and victuals. People of all ages may attend, at a minimal cost, and support our vision.

  • Step 4

    The Final Step

    Finally, using the proceeds from the fest, as well as the books collected during the drive, we will visit government schools, orphanages and villages again and distribute the resources collected equally, while also spending time with the children to engage them in activities and stories. This way, we hope to make this an annual affair so the legacy can grow and flourish as time goes by.

  • Help
    Our Vision
    Come True!

Every Book Counts Our Progress

In a few short months, Lumino has conducted multiple book drives, collecting and donating over 1400 books! Follow our social media pages for new updates, or check out our blog to see our progress from the start!

Contact Us Now!

Phone (Bangalore)

+91 72592 20424

Phone (Hyderabad)

+91 91000 86705